BE Lack Originality

Today I'm not going to point out people that have been shit on by BE. I'm going to point out how shit BE is. IMHO I think that Jeff, the owner of BE has become so obsessed with BA that he is now setting out to become BA. So far he has stolen the idea of a forum from BA and we all know he did because they had their board up and running for a few weeks before BE had one up.
Jeff's excuse was that he had always planned to put a board up but it took a whole month and a half to put it all together. Odd how it happened after the BA forum went up.
Two weeks ago BA were donating to Red Cross for victims of Katrina. Yesterday I received an email/newsletter from BE stating the same thing. Way to go Jeff you forerunner you. Are your days of an original thought over and are you going to add any new features or are you going to just keep updating and copying?
I hear that BA now have a whiteboard up so are you now going to say you had one of those on your to do list too and will it spring up out of nowhere with a 6 week old story behind it?
I read in your boards that someone congratulated you on being creative. I wasn't aware that you had braille blogs now because its obvious that some of your members have a seeing problem.
I also found this humorous:
If you notice the BE forums has an automatic login wrapper with a unified login so that members do not have to login twice.
3855 members refers to the number of members logging into BE since the forums were launched thereby creating a profile on the forums to allow for unified login to happen. Not trying to bend the numbers but the only way we can actually offer integrated logins for the BE forum.
Actually 31580 members on BlogExplosion now.
Adding 200-400 new blogs a day for approval on an average day if you were asking..
Go take a look at how many members BE really have. Nearly 5000 is nothing to sneeze at. Impressive for a year, but its easy to see that some of those members were accrued during the beginning of BE opening and then subsequently forgotten.
So have you heard from Jeff's contacts at Blogger yet? :P
I don't think that Blogger would want to be violating my privacy by giving people from BE information about me.
That would be dumb and a little illegal.
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