Drama Drama

Thanks BE for commenting in here. You want your own post in here too? Narcissism at its finest.
Back up my claims you say. Here are three links. Random dates, random times when part of your administration team has their blog right up the top.
November 2005
Random my ass.
You might want to read the Google Privacy policy before you start placing idle threats in this blog. Here is the URl http://www.google.com/privacy.html
Thousands of people whine about George Bush every day but you don't see Google compromising the privacy of those people so what makes you think you're so special that they would risk a lawsuit for the sake of your vanity. I'd roll my eyes here but your not worth the effort.
You provide a service to bloggers and you run nothing but your own little corner of the internet so get over yourself because your better than thou attitude is getting boring.
You don't support other blog exchange companies. Here is the link that proves that you don't http://hyperculture.typepad.com/sarah/2005/10/blogexplosion_b.html Point out the part where you support BlogMad because I can't find it.
I'm flattered you found me.
i'd love to see BE try to close down your blog -- LOL! as if!!!
Jeff is a total loser.
I hope Blogmad launch and sweep the floor with BE.
I have been trying to follow their progress and they seem extremely clued up.
read their newsletters
Looks like one hell of a smart service.
Watch out BE! theres a mad train coming, and its got your name on it!
Update already :P
Wow, I'm obviously the clueless lamb being lead to the slaughter, here. I had NO idea that any of this was going on.
Mind you, it helps if you haven't seriously SURFED BE for upwards of six months or so.
I felt compelled to comment since your examples were so clearly stated -- not to mention funny as hell. Especially the photo with that bag over your, er, JEFF'S head. Nice!
I'll check back often for updates. Keep up the crusade!
interestingly enough, bitchalicious has been showing up rather frequently in the text links as well... ;)
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