Wannabes & Quick Update

I now have a fanclub.
People are pretending to respond as myself in the comments, please note the last post that had the following comment....
boycottbe said...
Where do you see that? According to Alexa his name is Thomas Dalberg.
If his name was really "Thor" I'm sure I would know from my inside source.
Was not by me.
The comment will be remaining as I find it quite ammusing BE sheep are coming over posting on here as "anonymous" or trying to be me.
Now an actual BE related update and its trending in the "right" direction.
Here are some stats for BlogExplosion as of today. I hope the buyer of this site takes note of the downward spiral.

Now those numbers are quite a drop all at once....

As you can see a slight spike in the traffic, but still quite a drop for a site with its 50,000 members. I wonder if fake traffic has been bought to increse the so called "trend in the right direction".
What I find to the biggest hypocritial moment of the BE saga is the newsletter that was released a few backs. It was directed at BlogMad....
Demand excellence no matter what site you use!For that reason BlogExplosion is a difficult site to manage. There have been lots of negative things said about us just because people have nothing better to do than to be negative or because we have kept spammers, cheaters and people with nothing good to say off of BE. When using competitive sites make sure they provide full stats (not just counters) and make sure they provide quality traffic for your time on the site.Games and puzzles are cute but do send you quality traffic? Do they offer all of the features that BE does? Can you surf by category? Can you flag sites for profanity or mature content? Can they be cheated or allow auto-clicking programs to work? Do they display all of their traffic numbers on the site and tell you the whole truth? Are they still in perpetual BETA?Keep track of your blog stats. See where that traffic is actually coming from. Keep track of unique percentages, time per blog visit. Demand the best return for your surfing time. Ratios dont mean a thing if the quality of traffic is not there. Stats never lie and you should always keep them for your blog.
And yet, on the BE official blog, they announce the following in a matter of a week...
Coming Soon - New BlogExplosion Game - Blog Tycoon
New ShoutBox Game - Crazy Jacks
Along with all their other games, isnt that pot calling kettle black?
All the traffic exchanges are crap. Why carp about BE? Don't make sense to me.
I guess I don't understand the BE backlash. I just discovered BE (yes, I'm a blogging newbie) and found out they were about to sell. I hope they remain in existence without too many changes because I had great fun clicking through the blogs and marked several. For me, that's what blogging is about. The only thing that concerns me is I don't see how they're making a lot of money.
If I were to sell a business, surely I wouldn't advertise it constantly to my "customers" ?
I mean why cram a sale update in every newsletter?
I guess my point is that I dont really believe that BE is indeed for sale.
I think its a cover up , I think Rachael and Jeff know that they dont know how to handle their clients and they will be back posing as the new owners to try again.
lol...rachel doesn't even work there anymore. i think you mean jeff and thomas.
Interesting site....
My only issue with blogexplosion is that they are not quite clear on what kinds of blogs they accept, and which kinds they dont.
My blog where I record my answers (given for answers.yahoo), was rejected.
Yet, my main blog (Brain Droppings) was accepted ... eventhough it's adult in nature (given the flag "adult/mature content" and "partial profanity").
I don't understand how any of these traffic exchanges are making any money... but they're interesting to surf in the meantime.
lol, the whole blogoshpere is full of bullshit. it's just the BE's pile is a little higher than the rest.
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