Rent my idea

Back in 2004 a little known blogging site came up with an idea to provide pictures of blogs on the site itself that went in the sidebar. The idea was that people clicked on it and it helped you to generate traffic.

Then in late 2005, a desperate client-losing BE found this little known blogging site and stole the idea to make

For a traffic exchange that gets angry at people stealing their so called original ideas you'd think they would practice what they preach and come up with an original idea in the first instance.
Hell, I remember that site. I used to be a member, but left because of the small userbase.
On the 15th of january 2006, the up and coming blogmad guys announce their idea on their blog -
noice that they mention in there their text link idea ?
2 weeks later BE launch text links.
how convenient!!
Oooh no, I don't think BE spy and copy their competitors.
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