
What do you get when your dog eats a tray full of cat shit?
I ask you. Have you ever seen a color combination quite like that? What was BE thinking. I was spammed with the BE newsletter yesterday I think its the fourth or fifth for this month with their new features.
Theres one new feature and one rip off from another traffic site and the rest are updates with lots of exclamation points so that things look more exciting than they really are. Do they think their members and by members I mean the real ones, are stupid?
Speaking of traffic has anyone checked out the statistics in Alexa? BE have been watched closely and its alarming how their traffic dips really low about mid month and then has a huge upward surge and then dips again. Check out how other traffic sites go and then compare them to BE. Sure BE will have higher numbers but those highs and lows look like the stability levels of a bitch on prozac.
Wonder whats going on there.
good observation
Traffic spikes like that are perfectly normal on alexa, its not a very accurate tracking tool. It is also very easy to fake higher rankings on alexa, especially easy for people who would know how to (say someone who runs a traffic exchange..)
Out of interest, has anyone noticed Jeff seems to think he invented blogmarks? Has he threatened to sue anyone over them?
Perhaps he should remember that this site was registered before, so they came first (and have a better implementation)
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