Last Call for BE

They have gone and done it again!
If Jeff and his team ever managed to come up with an idea of their own, I would eat my hat. What have they copied this time I hear you ask?
They have gone and got themselves a BlogExplosion store, just like BlogMad did at least 2 weeks ago. BlogExplosion lack creativity on all levels and this recent announcement once again proves that.
Ever wanted BlogExplosion apparel? As we prepare to finalize the sale of BlogExplosion tomorrow, we have been working hard to clear our project log and get out as many new features as possible before the new owners take over. Check out the BlogExplosion store where you can buy cool customized BE clocks, t-shirts, coffee mugs and bags.
At least the BlogMad apparel looks half way decent, I'm sorry but I wouldn't be caught dead in the get up that had a huge ass shitty BlogExplosion banner on it.
One does wonder why they are creating such features if they are selling as early as next week, I mean all this hardwork for nothing? Ok, maybe not nothing, but they aren't going to benefit from it, so why do it?
I love how they justify it by saying they're clearing their work log, do they repaint their entire house before they vacate the premises, after someone has already bought it?
I'm waiting for the big announcement of the new owner, as it was apparently finalized yesterday. They got their $100,000 miminmum asking price according to reports and even then I think the price was too high.
Everyone get your champagne glasses at the ready, Jeff has crumbled and sold his "baby" as the pressure of competition got too much. So long sucka!!
BM has a store??? I must not have seen that announcement on the BMLog or received that newsletter. Who knew?
BlogMad have had a store for about 2/3 weeks. You can see it when you login to the member page.
If they really sold, this will be an opportunity for the new owner to do right by those blogs that were frivously banned from BE, perhaps by inviting them back with a few thousand credits each.
But did they really sell? There's no announcement even now.
there was no sale
it was a lie
And to this day you are all still a pack of immature fucking retards. What are you guys going to bitch about now?
New buyer details are on the BE site.
The price exceeded 100K, and you are correct, it is way to much for the site.
Looking at the active members, the fact only a few are online at anyone time, and the general state of decline, I would say someone payed *well* over the odds for a fairly simple (but nice design) traffic exchange script, with a dwindling active user base.
Whoever bought it seems to have bought from them before, so its either one of their mates (look we sold it, stop hassling us type of thing, if it was actually sold - I would need to see actual proof first before I believe that) or its someone who really does not have a clue how simple it is to write something like BE.
More money than sense springs to mind.....
Jeremy should be ashamed of himself for brokering the sale, considering he was warned via a comment, which he CHOSE NOT TO PUBLISH...
He on purpose hid information from prospective buyers, even if that info was just someone warning about what he needs to be aware of (like be is known for inaccurate figures etc, and has alienated itself in many areas of the net)
Shame on jeremy, I for one wont trust that guy, or his sites again.
I just got the newsletter with the sale information. Looks like it really did happen. damn i was hoping it would be a scam...
pffft, it IS bullshit. who's actually gonna put forth the effort to PROVE Jeff didn't sell it? No one, that's who.
Mr. Trumble fancies himself as a Phoenix.
I was banned about 2 months ago, at that time BE had began it's decline. The other day, I signed in under an account that I had forgot I had. I brought up my aquarium cam and the second someone recognized it, OHB banned me again in seconds. For no reason, I wasn't doing anything wrong.
Did I mention that I was originally banned because they caught wind of another blog I owned, not the one that was in BE? Real fair and mature eh? By the way, for 30 minutes I was the only one in their SB, you could hear the wind blowing.
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