Blog Explosion Still Suck

Last post in here was May 2006. I thought I'd give Lewis and Silent Stephen a little bit of breathing space so that they could do something with BE without any criticizing on my part but it looks like they've dropped the ball and fumbled a little bit.
Where is all the new shit? After a huge influx of new gimmicks, bells and whistles (thoughtfully provided by BlogAdvance and BlogMad and subsequently stolen by BE) there seems to be nothing in their newsletters other than issues being solved and already established junk being tweaked.
We're done with the fixing and tweaking.
Has the well run dry? Why is Silent Stephen still silent? Was there ever a Stephen? Jeff? Are you still in there?
Lewis, we want to see your head explode. We want to see new things.
Impress us!!
Please. Do something.

haha thats great. Lewis is so fucking gay. he likes it up the ass
This site is almost as dead as blogexplosion.
Come on give us some information!
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