The boy in the mirror

Just when you thought it was safe to come back through BoycottBE there is a new post.
Thank you to BE members who sent me the latest newsletter from BE. Its like Jeff never left with all the exclamation marks peppered through it and I'm still out to vote on whether Jeff actually sold and left BE.
If Jeff isn't there any longer then it looks like Lewis and Silent Stephen are going to go the same trend in mimicking other traffic sites with little shout outs like:
Live BlogExplosion Radio....Radio for Bloggers, by Bloggers, and even about Bloggers!
Clearly a BlogAdvance caption with their "for Bloggers, by Bloggers" being slightly twisted to include the radio.
Next, BE will be screaming that it's "all about the ratio" so that BlogMad doesn't feel left out.
Perhaps Lewis and Silent Stephen could move away from aping other traffic exchanges so that the illusion of Jeff leaving can be properly experienced because I'm just not feeling his absence at the moment.
Time for a new change gentlemen so how about you actually sweep away the copying of other sites and think on your own two feet.
A close watch will be kept on BE to make sure it does things right. I hope that new things will be brought in by the "new" management soon because I don't think what they have will be able to contain many more updated versions.