Friday, November 25, 2005


What do you get when your dog eats a tray full of cat shit?


I ask you. Have you ever seen a color combination quite like that? What was BE thinking. I was spammed with the BE newsletter yesterday I think its the fourth or fifth for this month with their
new features.

Theres one new feature and one rip off from another traffic site and the rest are updates with lots of exclamation points so that things look more exciting than they really are. Do they think their members and by members I mean the
real ones, are stupid?

Speaking of traffic has anyone checked out the statistics in Alexa? BE have been watched closely and its alarming how their traffic dips really low about mid month and then has a huge upward surge and then dips again. Check out how other traffic sites go and then compare them to BE. Sure BE will have higher numbers but those highs and lows look like the stability levels of a bitch on prozac.

Wonder whats going on there.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Drama Drama

Thanks BE for commenting in here. You want your own post in here too? Narcissism at its finest.

Back up my claims you say. Here are three links. Random dates, random times when part of your administration team has their blog right up the top.

November 2005



Random my ass.

You might want to read the Google Privacy policy before you start placing idle threats in this blog. Here is the URl

Thousands of people whine about George Bush every day but you don't see Google compromising the privacy of those people so what makes you think you're so special that they would risk a lawsuit for the sake of your vanity. I'd roll my eyes here but your not worth the effort.

You provide a service to bloggers and you run nothing but your own little corner of the internet so get over yourself because your better than thou attitude is getting boring.

You don't support other blog exchange companies. Here is the link that proves that you don't Point out the part where you support BlogMad because I can't find it.

I'm flattered you found me.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Miss me?

I've been away a while. Was I missed?

While I've been gone, there are some points to ponder and I would like to thank the many emails that I have received in my absence and no no one was forgotten I had a recharge battery hiatus.

First of all I have a question to ask you.

Just what is your money being spent on when you buy credits at BE? Is it to help fund another site? why yes it is:

If you want a little extra traffic, BlogExplosion will even allow you to buy credits to get more readers. A portion of the proceeds go to MindSay, so you're helping support a good cause =)

It would do you good to just go and see what your money is supporting.

Although they still try to threaten BlogAdvance with playground tactics and finger pointing, their latest domination tactics are now concentrated firmly on the new up and coming traffic exchange BlogMad where another well known blog, namely Sarahintampa was struck from the BE rotation because she supported BlogMad. I see a pattern. Anyone else see a pattern?

I guess BE don't like the competition and by the look of how much they are spending on fake traffic to their site to boost their traffic it shows and I'm still waiting for these 30,000+ active blog and members to suddenly sprout up because you only have to look at their forums where it only shows 13,000. Sure it's great for a site thats been online going on 2 years but pathetic in how much they spend on fake traffic to boost their listings.

And just where are those 30,000+?

I have a tonne of emails to get through including some interesting screenshots of their "Random" blog rotation for the front page where a certain administration member's blog takes the top spot more often than anyone elses. Either they don't have the numbers or this has been manipulated and a lot of the members are getting angry at it. These will go up as soon as I've sorted through all the examples and I am assured that I don't double up on pictures so it looks worse than it is. I would hate to be called unfair.

Till then, keep those emails coming. You've all been helpful during my sabbatical and I'll be back very soon with more.
