A letter from Deb

I was trying to reword this in such a way that the anonymity of contributors was still protected but Deb has already published this on the Blog Advance Forum so I'll post this as is.
Hiya Had, how's tricks?
I don't care if you attach my name to this or not, I'm past caring and Jeff will know it's from me anywho and I don't give a flying fuck what he thinks either.
I read with interest your last post about Jeff stealing the idea of Rent A Blog from some other site but really I wasn't surprised as it's not the first time he's done it.
See, he's been stealing other people's ideas for months and he sticks a pretty name on it and all his little sheep gather around him bleating their congratulations when really he's done fuck all.
For instance, his shitty forum. He stole that idea from BA and then tried to tell us that he had coders working on it for months before we came along but there are a couple of interesting points that he left out. First of all, it doesn't take even a mediocre coder more than a couple of weeks to work shit out and I should know because I'm learning it myself and I've achieved a fair bit in a few short weeks, so it's not like it's hard. Secondly, Jeff is so keen to blow his own idea-stealing trumpet all the time that had this really been in the works, he would have said something BEFORE the BlogAdvance forum came about.
Let's move on to Image Hosting. Another thing we did first, and he tagged along behind with his stories of coding and taking so long and integration into the rest of BE etc. It's not fucking rocket science, it's pages that you add to your site and you link to it. Customise things with your header and footer and you're good to go. It's not hard.
BlogAdvance also started a blog for its members. Jeff had been running a BLOG TRAFFIC EXCHANGE for years and NEVER thought to provide a blog with the service, till BlogAdvance did it. Once again, he copied us and all his little sheep gathered around and patted him on the back for doing... nothing.
Now we come up to Blog Hosting. This actually cracks me up, because on Thursday the 19th of January, Jeff said that none of the BE team had slept for some time because they were busy coding and how their blog hosting product was 99% done. He then went on about how he could "barely see the computer screen anymore" and how he was going to wait until his "team" were rested before it went into production.
What's really odd about this is the fact that Jeff is using the same blog hosting script that BlogAdvance is using and none of us stayed up for hours because all it was was basically a 15 minute install and that was it. One design later and we were hot to trot and BlogLegion was off and running.
Jeff can tell everyone that it was the whole blogging for cash side of it that took the longest, but the fact of the matter is what he is implementing is, in fact, part of the package, we just chose to disable it.
See, Jeff is making a big deal out of this blogging for cash business but what the average blogger doesn't realise is that not only will Jeff be pulling in cash from advertisers that are going to see his 22,000 plus member base and fall over themselves giving him money to have their ads on other people's blogs, but he's also going to keep half of what other people's blogs make and he's going to charge people for upgrades on their blogs. People are going to pay Jeff to have ads on their sites that they don't even get a choice in picking. Nice.
Probably another thing that people don't realise is that with that particular platform and with all other platforms out there, Jeff and his staff can log into anyone's journals at a whim, change things, delete things or even just stop your blog altogether, if he doesn't agree with the content and if anyone out there still thinks that Jeff would leave their shit alone if they were blogging something that he didn't agree with then they have rocks in their head.
Jeff is well known for deleting comments and posts from the shout box and his forum if he doesn't agree with what is said and he's also well known for trying to bully people into either posting his messages on their blogs as their own entry or threatening to sue people if they don't close down a site or delete comments that are derogatory to his little "business".
Jeff, you are a free service and you are not even a registered business and you have two chances of having your demands met and those chances are fat and slim.
You are a charlatan, a liar and a poseur and while you might have had one of the first blogging traffic sites out there, the fact that you have to copy other people's ideas and hard work tells the people who are capable of thinking for themselves just how much trouble you're in when it comes to creativity.
While it's lovely that you can brag that you can do things bigger and better than everyone else, the fact of the matter is you're a Johnny-come-lately and a copycat and you alienate you and your "business" because more and more people are getting dissatisfied with your service, or lack thereof.
If you're so gung ho on honesty and doing the right thing, at least give credit where credit is due and have the humility to thank the people that gave you the ideas to keep your "business" fresh because lets face it, no matter what anyone thinks of BlogAdvance, we've ridden your ass so that you provide better for your bloggers.
If it hadn't been for us, you'd still be relying on shit rules for BotB, you wouldn't have stolen the rent my blog idea, you wouldn't have started your forum, you wouldn't have a blog, you wouldn't have your blog hosting, you wouldn't have done your image hosting and I'll bet stat counters are coming up pretty soon too.
If BlogAdvance hadn't offered it's members new and diverse ways of attaining readers then you'd still be running nothing but a traffic site and people would be getting hits but not much else.
Here's a newsflash Jeff, and it's one that we realised early on in the game and that is that Traffic Exchange sites aren't meant to last forever. Down to basics, we're nothing but a big ass commercial for all the different bloggers out there and they sample blogs in 30-second (or less) increments looking for blogs that they want to read and comment on. That is why there is such a thing as a blogroll; so that when you find blogs you like, you link to them and it gets to a stage where a little network is forged and the traffic exchange sort of becomes superfluous except new bloggers keep coming in and the cycle is continued. It's all a big cycle Jeff; it's not the be all and end all of blogging like you seem to think it is.
Anyway, I've rambled on long enough, but I would like to thank Jeff for the stealing all our ideas, as mimicry is the greatest form of flattery and we've been mimicked so much I wouldn't be surprised if Jeff looked in the mirror and he saw me.
Kind regards,
Thank you Deb for your submission.
The incessant ramblings of a drunk flashing whore who represents BE and all it stands for

Rachel rambles.
I haven't posted because I've been busy with boring shit.
Gary had a four day weekend.
I coloured my hair.
I (kinda) cleaned the house.
The baby shower was on Sunday (more on that later).
We went to the movies today.
I had a crap load of work to do.
How's that for boring?
Boring and shitty - Gosh, I wish I had to join a little club to validate just how shitty this blog is.
Some white trash bitches have nothing better to do than start drama on situations they are totally clueless on.
Some people seem to think I'm full of shit because they're idiots.
The chat box sucked.
But, not as much as BE.
Well, she's probably a 300 pound hairy walrus, so don't LITERALLY fuck her. Find a rusty pipe somewhere and use that instead.
Other people can't think of an original insult to save their lives. They also don't think it's possible that it's possible someone else hates them enough to nominate them for some stupid web awards.
Dude, your site had popups. I sent you an email. Two weeks later you apparently take them down and get pissed because your blog isn't immediately activated. You get in an argument with Jeff but some reason this is my fault.
You're a fucktard. If this is what you have to do for attention then so be it
One of them is pissed because I said smilies in shoutboxes annoy me. Well they do, and so do crybabies.
One of them is pissed but won't admit it. Apparently I'm a bottom feeder. Lesse, who's been around longer and who doesn't need to validate my life in a shoutbox flirting with fat chicks?
Another one claims that I showed my tits on my webcam at BlogExplosion. Dude, I was drunk but I wasn't that drunk.
How about you back your claims up. You come across looking like a real fucking idiot when you lie.
Even if I did, have you seen this site? Why the fuck would he be complaining.
The rest of them are just followers
Are people really this stupid? Well, the results are in and apparently so.
Damn, that's a lot of links but I'm not going to pussyfoot around and use nicknames and innuendos. Y'all are fucktards and since you obviously didn't either see or understand what I said last time then so be it. Ignorance is no excuse.
Anyone else?
Comments are open. Feel free you bunch of chickenshits. smile
Rachel whines.
So now that you've managed to stumble on this page via a link or your stats or Google or BlogExplosion or an email we can safely assume that you also know how to close this page.
That's the beautiful thing about the Internet. If you don't want to see or hear or read something you can just close it.
I'm going to assume that this is common knowledge.
I'm hard pressed to figure out why people can't figure out that when I sign my name/email/URL on a comment somewhere that I'm advertising myself from this blog.
For some reason unknown to mankind people assume that when I comment I'm speaking for someone else who I might be tied to. If I comment on your blog and I say "you suck" then that means that I'm saying you suck. I'm not speaking for BlogExplosion. I'm not speaking for Web-Divas. I'm not speaking for anyone other than myself. With me so far?
I don't take every nasty comment left here and assume that you're speaking for your employee (Mc Donalds, Walmart, the unemployment office). I assume that it's coming from you as a person and your blog.
When someone says to me (and maybe not JUST to me but I was in the chat and so I felt I was being acknowledged as well) "VOTE FOR ME OVER AT [YET ANOTHER BLOG AWARDS] and I say something like "Sorry dude, I'm boycotting [YET ANOTHER BLOG AWARDS]" and state my reason why. It is totally beyond me why that someone would then say "Oh my god I can't come here any more because someone said something I didn't like".... Cry me a fucking river.
I'm happy that you live in a little world where everyone agrees with everything you say 24/7 but I live in the real world where everyone has their own opinions and ideas and the right to say whatever the fuck they want to.
When someone starts bitching because I was getting trashed in my own home and was talking to some friends on webcam who were also getting drunk then CLOSE THE FUCKING CAM. I mean shit, is it that hard? If you close it you don't have to hear a single word that leaves my lips and you don't have to see me doing my vodka shots.
I've listened to every opinion in the world about the new BlogExplosion shoutbox so here's mine. It's fun. It's nice to be able to communicate in a more advanced fashion then the shoutbox that we had before.
Hi, you might be a dinosaur but we're not. And furthermore, it still is a fun place to hang out. The people who were ostracized before agree with me too.
So what's the problem? Too many admin? Don't have a cam and feel left out? Can't pretend you're some hunk of burning love when we're staring at your ass?
Whatever, seriously get over it.
So before ya start filling my comments with insults let's clear something up (again).
Fat, slut, bitch, whore, baby killer, wife of a baby killer, cradle robber, cunt.
I've heard these all before. Try being original for once. Try NOT copying the exact same thing the person who's site you're coming from said.
And if you just don't like it; CLICK THE X. K THNX BYE.
Rachel reflects.
I absofuckinglutely hate ignorant immature military housewives (who are older than me but act like they're 12). What the fuck? So damn bored you have nothing to do but fight other people's battles? Grow up.
Rachel gives insight.
There is a girl who's been on this base for awhile. She's a lot like me (doesn't like to leave the house much, doesn't feel comfortable meeting new people, anxiety issues etc..).
Girl, you have issues that years of therapy is never going to fix, but I'm going to try.
First, you don't need a club to validate the shittiness of your blog and I doubt they would take you because nobody likes to be that obvious. Everyone already knows your blog is shit and only people with your clone templates think your blog is even moderately entertaining and only because they feel obligated.
Whether you like it or not you're a representative of BE and you should act accordingly and that means shut the fuck up about your members because they're the ones that keep you employed. You lose your members and you're just not needed anymore. You can't whine about the fact that people base your actions on the morals of BE when you just spent most of your time whining about all the grief you're dealing with because member's complained.
If you don't want to be thought of as affiliated with BE, then stop bringing it up all the time because you look like you're saying "I'm a rep for BE so pay me some respect but you're all a bunch of fucktards or white trash for saying and/or doing things relating to BE, but hey don't take it personally and don't think that I'm speaking for BE even though I just did".
The only idiot seems to be you because you just don't get it. Do you remember what customer service is? How about public relations? Courtesy? Respect? Whether you like it or not you're a representative and when people stop getting backlashes via BE for slights that they've had with you maybe they'll cut you some slack.
"When someone says to me (and maybe not JUST to me but I was in the chat and so I felt I was being acknowledged as well) "VOTE FOR ME OVER AT [YET ANOTHER BLOG AWARDS] and I say something like "Sorry dude, I'm boycotting [YET ANOTHER BLOG AWARDS]" and state my reason why. It is totally beyond me why that someone would then say "Oh my god I can't come here any more because someone said something I didn't like".... Cry me a fucking river. "
Cry us all a fucking river. People are being banned left, right and center for comments that they make against BE and when the fucktards over there can set a good example and allow people to speak about whatever they want then maybe the people will start to follow the same path. You want it all your way and everyone else with an opinion best make sure it's the right opinion or they're out. People like you breed resentment and people are wondering whether Thomas made a huge mistake in keeping Jeff and hiring you because quite frankly your people skills are shit, your attitude is abrasive and you're a hateful female.
For the record, it's the general opinion that you're the 12 year old. You put your nose where it's not wanted or needed and you're generally a pain in the ass who decides to join in on a fight purely because you're bored. You think you're clever but all you are is really fucking annoying.
As to your anxiety issues, it's obvious that you suffer from low self esteem and it would also explain quite a lot as to why you are the cunt that you are.
I suggest you do us all a favor and shoot yourself.